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Sage 200 Version 2024 R1 is now available. Notable new features in this release include:

Greater flexibility with new web screens – Purchase Orders, Create, Amend, View
This release of Sage 200 (all variants) includes POP dispatch web screens providing the ability to do purchase order entry, amendment and view within a browser.

Automation & Simplicity – giving you more choice
New API fields and/or changes to existing API functionality to expand automation, opening the door to a wider ecosystem of applications (ISV Solutions), increasing the services and automation workflows available, allowing you to connect your business and build a truly custom-made solution to meet your specific business’s needs.

An interface tailored to your device
Responsive Design for Sales Orders & Quotes: New, Amend, View
Our responsive design enables the automatic adaption of the order screen to fit whatever device you’re using. Streamlining the path to keep our customers up to date, compliant and enjoying the new features

Changes to exporting data to Excel
Simplify and deliver consistency of how to export files from self-service, and the product grids to a file download that you can then open in your system of choice.
Technical changes to allow data exports, usually associated with a desktop installed Excel to move to a ‘save as’ rather than an open direct in application.

Find out more about Sage 200.